Careers in Museums: Volunteering, Engagement, Participation and Learning Programmes, 19 November …

Enhance Your Employability! Don’t miss the upcoming masterclass

Focused on: Enhancing Employability – Career Development – Applying Education and Skills in the Work Place

‘Careers in Museums: Volunteering, Engagement, Participation and Learning Programmes’

Loveday Williams, Interpretation Officer of the National Waterfront Museum

Venue: ‘Faraday H’ Room, Swansea University

19 November 10 – 11am

The session will be informal and will offer a chance to pick the brains of an  experienced working professional and to ask questions and gain advice.

The session are open to all students and non-students. Places are limited.Reserve your space today:

Contact Kate Spiller, Project Coordinator:

Don’t miss our placement opportunities launching soon:

Please note: The original date and time for this session (August 18th at 2pm) has been changed to the above.

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