Monthly Archives: August 2013

Steel Connections Conference

Steel Connections: Historical Records and New Research on the Steel Industry in Twentieth-Century Britain will be held at Tata Steel, Port Talbot, on Wednesday 11 September 2013. This is a free event but spaces are limited and prior registration (before 6 September 2013) is essential. Programme details and registration form here.

Hafod Walks 6th September

Stephen Hughes, Royal Commission Project Director, is leading walks on Friday 6th September at 11am and 2pm. Numbers are limited so booking is required by 24th August to Lyndon Morris, 01792 232282 or The walks start from St. John’s Church, Odo Street. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be available before the walks.

Preview of Daniel James animation online

A short preview of the Daniel James animation is available here. The film is an output of the Treboeth Historical Society’s ‘Daniel James Project’ (one of our fellow Connected Communities projects) and will shortly be distributed to local schools. There are plans to share the film with school across Wales. Contact Ivor Williams, Secretary of Treboeth Historical Society for information on accessing copies of the animated film:

Flickr – The (post)industrial South Wales Valleys

Sarah Rojon, studying South Wales industry, has launched a Flickr site featuring post industrialised South Wales Valleys. There are some very interesting pictures.

“I don’t know if you are on Flickr but I thought that would be nice to tell you about that. I just launched a group called ‘The (post)industrial South Wales Valleys,’ so feel free to join us and to invite people who might be interested :”

I think that the interactive functionality of photo-hosting sites provide interesting means to create collaborative archives but also to display and discuss cultural sensitivities.