- Several new oral histories have been taken, and more are planned. They are being transcribed and will be placed on the web site and in West Glamorgan Archives.
- Selections of the recordings will be put on the web site.
- New photographs of White Rock have been discovered. When we have completed their interpretation they will also be placed in the public domain.
- Images sourced from the Royal Commission have been examined and considerable interpretation added. The images and interpretation will be on the web site shortly, and the additional information will be returned to the Royal Commission.
- Images kindly supplied by Swansea Museum are currently being examined by the team and will also be put on view.
- A large number of documents have been discovered in West Glamorgan Archives and the Richard Burton Archives. These are already proving a rich source of new information. A copy of the 1736 White Rock lease is on display in the Connected Communities Exhibition at the National Waterfront Museum. Two of our student volunteers are transcribing the lease.
- Two boxes of White Rock memorabilia found in the Richard Burton Archives are generating great excitement.
- A user community for the android Digital Trails app is being recruited both in Wales and in England. Two groups of Swansea University Computer Science MEng students are developing the app further as their first year master’s project. An MSc student is researching the Digital Trails user experience.
- An iPad app is under development, bringing together the various strands of research and other work in an interactive format.
- Three Swansea University history students have joined the team for 2013 / 2014. In addition to research, they will take on the organisation of White Rock events.
- The White Rock schools pack has been finalised.
- Discussions on restoring the site to its 1990s condition are continuing with CADW and Swansea Council. It is hoped the first clearance, along the river bank, will be carried out early in the New Year.
Contact info@friendsofwhiterock.org.uk for further information or to join the project.