Tag Archives: City of Culture

Support Swansea’s City of Culture bid!

Just a quick note to ask (if you do such things) for a final social media push for the Swansea Bay City of Culture bid. I know some of you will have done some if not all of this, so ignore if you have!

Our Facebook and Twitter numbers compare well with the other cities, but Hull are a little way ahead and we want to make up some ground on them if we can – it’s not a beauty parade and the decision will go on the bid itself, but social media is one visible demonstration to the panel of public support. We’ve had great interaction and support already on there, but if we can get a further bump before Friday that would be great.

So, first and foremost if you can please go to www.facebook.com/swanseabay2017 and ‘like’ and ‘share’ things as they pop up, and also if you can follow @swanseabay_2017 on Twitter and retweet things as they come out. If you tweet about Swansea Bay culture (whatever that is to you) then if you can use the #cwtchthebid hashtag that would be great.

Secondly, the DCMS (the government department that runs the competition) has featured each of the 4 shortlisted cities and this week it is Swansea Bay’s turn as the last of the 4. Their Facebook page can be found at: www.facebook.com/dcmsgovuk – if you can ‘like’ things they’re posting about Swansea in the next day or two and post nice comments, or send them a tweet (@DCMS) ideally with a pic that shows off our culture. If you can please use the hashtag #cwtchthebid and (if there’s room) also include @swanseabay_2017 too. Again, to make it count, we need that before Friday.

Finally, the bid website: www.swanseabay2017.co.uk has a ‘Cwtch Culture’ section, where there’s a map and you can post your Swansea Bay culture on it. Grateful if you have time to do that too (note that your posts don’t appear straightaway as a spam-prevention measure!).

The winner will be announced next Wednesday morning, 20th November, on breakfast TV (we won’t have any advance notice so we will know the outcome at the same time as it’s announced to the general public). We haven’t been told the time of the announcement of the winner by the Minister but we expect it to be around 8.30am that day.

Please do circulate this to anyone you want. Thanks for your help –I hope our efforts meet expectations, but win or lose it has certainly raised the profile of the region, and it’s been an exciting ride!

Ben Reynolds, Director Trilein
+44 (0) 1792 655 264
2 Princess Way