Tag Archives: Bluestocking

Bluestocking letters transcription …

The Bluestocking transcription invitation was issued to the Historical Association’s Swansea branch. Caroline is looking for more volunteers – ultimately lots of volunteers! – and the Friends of White Rock are cordially invited to participate. If you know anyone else who may be interested please pass the invitation on.

Dear HA friends,

Ages and ages ago I proposed to the committee that the branch might like to be guinea pigs for my research project, and try transcribing a letter each (or more if they like) from Elizabeth Montagu (1718-1800) to one of her friends. This is to help us editors get through the 8,000 extant letters which we will digitize and edit over a couple of lifetimes! The initials of the transcribers will be included in the published edition and the HA Swansea branch will be acknowledged in the editor’s (Mike’s) introduction to the section on letters to Hester Thrale (Nee Salusbury and later Piozzi). Hester was a Welsh-speaking Welshwoman, a poet and travel-writer and of course close friend of Dr Johnson – but an interesting character in her own right. The transcriptions will all be checked by the editors and the transcribers can do as many letters as they like if they enjoy it.

You were all very positive about the idea when I suggested it to the committee, but I’ve been a bit busy and only just got round to doing anything about it. I am attaching an invitation and those who are interested can contact me and I’ll send them a copy of a letter each and instructions on how to go about it. I wonder whether you might circulate it to your friends and to any other Historical Socieities you are connected with? I can provide poster-size versions if anyone would like to put it on noticeboards for me.

Best wishes,

Professor of English
Department of English Language and Literature
Swansea University
Singleton Park
Tel: 01792 604304

Athro Saesneg
Adran Saesneg Iaith a Llenyddiaeth
Prifysgol Abertawe
Parc Singleton
Ffôn: 01792 604304