Tag Archives: copper works

Hafod-Morfa Tours start in May …

14 tour guides have been developing their knowledge of the site and are ready to start offering fortnightly tours of the site from next week, 6th May. This is run in association with Swansea Museum Collections Centre. More information and booking details are available here. http://www.hafodmorfacopperworks.com/event/fortnightly-wednesday-tours/ We’d be grateful if you could help us to spread the word too.

Hafod-Morfa News …

Dear Friends,

A number of developments have been taking shape on the Hafod-Morfa Copperworks Development Project recently:

There is an exciting new vision for the future development of the site, produced by architect firm Purcell, available here http://jhurleydesign.com/copperworks-wp/wp-content/uploads/236x297_Hafod_Vision_Document_V7_DIGITAL.pdf

The site now has its own dedicated website which posts news and events and provides an opportunity for feedback. See www.hafodmorfacopperworks.com

14 tour guides have been developing their knowledge of the site and are ready to start offering fortnightly tours of the site from next week, 6th May. This is run in association with Swansea Museum Collections Centre. More information and booking details are available here. http://www.hafodmorfacopperworks.com/event/fortnightly-wednesday-tours/ We’d be grateful if you could help us to spread the word too.

There will be a Friends Group meeting on 14th May at 6pm in the Landore Social Club which provides a good opportunity to find out more about the above developments and how the project is developing.  See the event post here.  http://www.hafodmorfacopperworks.com/event/friends-meeting/

Best wishes,
Stuart Griffin

Hafod Copperworks Development Project
College of Arts and Humanities
Swansea University
Singleton Park

01792 602617

Follow the Cu @ Swansea copper project at www.welshcopper.org.uk/en/

Find us on Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Hafod-Morfa-Copperworks/381169952010109

See photos of the project on Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/97373278@N07/sets/

Working Days Monday 9-5, Wednesday 9-5, Friday 9-12.30.


Copper Folk on the Copper Jack, 26 April …

Andrew McKay & Carole Etherton invite you to come and join us on our next song and music trip aboard Copper Jack on Sunday 26th April 2015.  All aboard by 3.45pm for 4pm sailing.  Bring your voices and instruments to make music as we cruise on the River Tawe for an hour and a half and then have more music until 6.30 while moored in Swansea Marina outside the National Waterfront Museum.

Cost is £5 per person. Places are limited so please book early.

To find out more details and make a booking please visit our website copperfolk.wix.com/copperfolk

and watch a splendid video of Greg Rowlands singing Old Man Tiem on an early trip www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctpVBSK0OWg


Swansea Canal Society visit White Rock …

Swansea Canal Society paid a very welcome visit to White Rock on 19 December. We showed them round the site, especially the Smith Canal of course. When all of them disappeared inside the tunnel they must have set a record for the maximum number of people inside in the last hundred years!

We look forward to welcoming SCS and others on Sunday 11 January for the Clean and Clear.

See SCS’s report and photos at www.swanseacanalsociety.com/2014/12/20/white-rock-heritage-park


Clean-up day at Hafod Morfa Copperworks, Sat 6th December …

There will be a work day at the Hafod-Morfa Copperworks on Saturday 6th December from 10.30am until 12.30pm. We will meet by the new artwork and interpretation panels.

We will be cleaning up litter at the site with the help of Keep Wales Tidy and looking for objects of archaeological interest with the help of GGAT. We will record the location of any objects and photograph them with a view to possibly removing them to a safer place if appropriate to do so.

We also hope to be able to do some litter picking at the White Rock Heritage Park and the New Siloh Chapel depending on volunteer numbers.

It should be a fun and satisfying few hours and hope you will want to join us.

Keep Wales Tidy will provide tools, gloves and bags. I would suggest sturdy footwear, wet weather gear and your own gloves if you have them.

Please get in touch with me on the number below if you have any questions.

Best wishes,

Stuart Griffin
Hafod Copperworks Development Project
College of Arts and Humanities
Swansea University
Singleton Park

01792 602617

Follow the Cu @ Swansea copper project at www.welshcopper.org.uk/en/

Find us on Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Hafod-Morfa-Copperworks/381169952010109

See photos of the project on Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/97373278@N07/sets/

Working Days Monday 9-5, Wednesday 9-5, Thursday 9-12.30.

Hafod-Morfa object search and litter pick, 6 December …

There will be an object search and litter pick at the Hafod-Morfa site on Saturday 6th December, 10.30 until 12.30. Keep Wales Tidy are providing the management and equipment. Bring good footwear and gloves.

Several objects of interest have been found at Hafod-Morfa recently. When discovered they will be photographed in situ by GGAT before being moved and the local site examined.

If there is enough resource we can do some picking and searching at White Rock as well, otherwise we will organise a separate event. Siloh chapel is also on the radar for 6 December.


Advent Calendars and the Antikythera Mechanism, 16 December …

This free Christmas lecture is a collaborative event between the British Computer Society (BCS) and Software Alliance Wales.

Book here.

The Antikythera mechanism is the earliest known analogue computer, containing over 30 gear wheels. It was designed to predict the positions of Sun, Moon and Planets in the sky, and eclipses. The cycles of lunar and solar motion that it is based on are those that still determine the details of our own calendar.

The remains of the Mechanism were recovered in 1900–01 from a shipwreck off the Greek island of Antikythera. The instrument was constructed by the ancient Greeks around 150 to 100 BC. Devices that exceeded the complexity and workmanship of the Antikythera Mechanism did not appear again in Europe until the 14th century AD, when mechanical astronomical clocks began to be built in Western Europe.
Mike will talk about the project to understand this incredible Mechanism, including news of a recent new dive on the shipwreck site. He will link it to calendars ancient and modern, and of course the most important aspect for children, the advent calendar.

Mike Edmunds is an Emeritus Professor in the School of Physics and Astronomy at Cardiff University in Wales. He is lead academic on the Antikythera Mechanism Research Project.


17:30 Registration
18.00 – 19.00 Lecture followed by Light Refreshments


Swansea Your Story Exhibitions

Swansea Your Story presents two exhibitions of Swansea photographs this month.

We open at 10 am at the Grand Theatre Arts Wing on Tuesday November 11. Swansea the Best Place is an exhibition of photographs celebrating the Swansea of Dylan Thomas. 1914 – 1953. This exhibition will run till November 28. Open daily,free entry

Then one week later on Tuesday November 17 at Swansea Civic Centre, Swansea a Town and City in Photographs. The exhibition shows photographs from the very earliest day of photography up to the present day 175 years. This exhibition will run with changing images until January 4th.

Both exhibitions are with thanks to the Big Lottery Fund and have been selected from the archive of Swansea your Story by its founder and coordinator Royton Kneath, Dip Local History.

Membership to Friends of Swansea Your Story is free or you can visit our facebook page and contribute photographs memories or just enjoy.

Without your support these events would not be possible.

Civic Poster 1 colour

Poster Dylan Exhibition Colour

Friends of Swansea your Story Membership Application

Royston Kneath Dip LH, Coordinator Swansea Your Story
01792 467688