Tag Archives: Friends of Hafod-Morfa Copperworks

Hafod-Morfa litter pick, 16 July …

Friends of Hafod Morfa are planning a litter pick and weeding session at the Hafod Morfa site from 9:30 – 12:30 this Saturday 16 July.

You might like to come for the whole thing, call in later, or head off earlier, according to your schedules but you’d be made very welcome. Bring your gardening gloves and gardening tools of choice – the Friends will bring the litter picking gear from Keep Wales Tidy. Look forwards to seeing as many of you as can make it.


Art at the Hafod online exhibition …

‘Art @ the Hafod:  the Spirit of Place’ took place at the historic Hafod-Morfa Copperworks, which was one of the primary centres of industry in South Wales and integral to community life in the Lower Swansea Valley.  Participants of all ages had a unique chance to respond to this site of rich heritage through observational drawings and painting as part of the event.  Over the course of the day each visitor created some investigative drawings from points of interest. At various times, the group explored the findings, discussed the drawings and what might make a final piece.  With guidance from artist, Dan Llywelyn Hall, members of the group had the opportunity to develop their observational skills and gain confidence with drawing and painting.


Hafod-Morfa litter pick and weed, 22 June …

I know if may not feel like summer but the Hafod-Morfa Copperworks site needs a bit of weeding and litter clearing so I am proposing an afternoon session on Wednesday 22 June between 2:00 and 4:00pm.

You might like to come for the whole thing, call in later, or head off earlier, according to your schedules but you’d be made very welcome. Bring your gardening gloves and gardening tools of choice – I’m hoping to get litter picking gear from Keep Wales Tidy.

Grateful if you could let me know if you’re available – bring your gardening gloves and gardening tools of choice – I have three sets of equipment for litter picking that I can bring along and I’m trying to get hold of more.


Hafod-Morfa Oral Histories, 16 May …

The Friends of Hafod-Morfa are going to be recording some oral histories of people who worked in the Hafod-Morfa Copperworks in the latter half of the twentieth century over the next few months. Over the last few years we have been approached by several people who want to share their stories and so we are going to train a handful of volunteers and start to record some of these.

I am wondering if you may be interested in being one of those volunteers. We have arranged a training session with Sian Williams from the Miners Library on the 16th May (Monday from 2.30 to 4.30pm. This session will explore the best practice involved in recording and some of the practical considerations, by working with some of the recordings in the library.

Some of the recipients of this email will already have experience of oral history from the White Rock project. You would be welcome to attend the training or not if you have experience.

Please get in touch if you would be interested in getting involved in this activity.

Stuart Griffin
Hafod-Morfa Copperworks Development Project
College of Arts and Humanities
Swansea University
Singleton Park

01792 602617

Follow the Cu @ Swansea copper project at www.hafodmorfacopperworks.com

Find us on Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Hafod-Morfa-Copperworks/381169952010109

See photos of the project on Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/97373278@N07/sets/

Working Days Monday 9-5, Wednesday 9-5, Friday 9-12.30.


Hafod-Morfa walk, Saturday 9 April …

If you’d like to know more about Swansea’s copper heritage and Swansea University’s involvement in the site’s development, why not join us on a walk around the Hafod Morfa Copperworks site on Saturday 9th April at 11:00 a.m. The walk will start from the Museum Collection Centre.

To book your place please phone the Museum Collection Centre on 01792- 467282

Art @ the Hafod (and White Rock) on Flickr …

A fantastic series of photo albums and galleries have been made available online that showcase highlights from the ‘Being Human Festival’ that took place in the summer of 2015.

The series of events that led by Swansea University had a theme of ‘Heritage, Health and Wellbeing’ and involved an exploration of wellbeing and heritage through public-facing activities (debate, poetry, dramatic performance, art and enterprise) supported by the Connected Communities project at a variety of venues including the Hafod-Morfa Copperworks, Clyne Farm Centre, the National Waterfront Museum and the University’s Singleton campus.

The photo albums include the ‘Art @ the Hafod’ event at the Hafod-Morfa and White Rock Copperworks here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/beinghumanfest/albums/72157660542398647

and Windsongs of the Blessed Bay that took place at Clyne Farm here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/beinghumanfest/albums/72157661799747732

For more information on the festival click here:


and for a follow-up interview on the Swansea University events please click here:


Art at the Hafod, 16 November …

‘Art @ the Hafod’ event is free and open to everyone, please book your tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/art-the-hafod-the-spirit-of-place-tickets-18684462731

Please find below information on a fantastic event that will bring heritage and art together at the Hafod-Morfa Copperworks. The event is open to all ages and will consider the copperworks site and the broader surrounding areas including White Rock, Kilvey Hill and the river to celebrate the site, landscape and history.

So come and join us at a truly unique event that will offer opportunity to learn about the history of the site and to consider artistic interpretation of the site.

Swansea University
Research Institutefor Arts and Humanities

Festival of Humanities 2015

‘Being Human: Heritage, Health and Wellbeing

‘Art @ the Hafod –the spirit of place’
Monday 16 November 2015, 11.00am – 4pm

The historic Hafod-Morfa Copperworks was one of the primary centres of industry in South Wales and integral to community life in the Lower Swansea Valley. Participants of all ages will get a unique chance to respond to this site of rich heritage through observational drawings and painting.

With guidance from artist, Dan Llywelyn Hall, members of the group can expect to develop their observational skills and confidence with drawing and painting.

Venue: Hafod-Morfa Copperworks, Swansea.

TO FIND OUT MORE AND TO BOOK YOUR PLACE: http://beinghumanfestival.org/event/art-the-hafod-the-spirit-of-place/

As one of five UK festival hubs, we will explore wellbeing and heritage through public-facing activities (debate, poetry, performance, art and enterprise), made possible by a grant from the festival organisers, the School of Advanced Study, University of London, in partnership with the AHRC, British Academy and Wellcome Trust.



Lots of Hafod-Morfa Happenings in November …

Dear Friends

Please find attached news from The Hafod-Morfa Copperworks and a list of events coming up.


We aim to submit an application for funds from the Heritage Lottery Fund in December. We are hoping to secure funds to construct the next phase of the long term plan to develop a unique mixed use urban development  and an inspiring space to visit, work, live and learn in.  We want to ensure that we engage as many individuals and groups in the process and particularly in further research, projects and interpretation to bring the site’s past to life.  More detail about the content of the bid will be available at a meeting on the 9th November. In the meantime, we invite your input on four key questions;

Have we got the plan of community engagement in research and interpretation right?

How do we bring the Musgrave Engine back to life and can you help?

Do you have any general comments on the Purcell masterplan  that we should consider?

How should we generate income from tickets to run a visitor centre?

We will shortly be posting more information about these four questions in a private group on the VocalEyes website see here www.VocalEyes.org to be set up soon.  It is free and easy to register and join in a  series of conversations about the future of the city.  The website allows you to rate ideas, make comments, read the comments of others and propose actions and working groups. We hope to make more of this technology as we proceed with the HLF bid.

In the meantime, a report of the Connected Communities Exchange Event can be seen on our website. This reports on the day and proposes a wish-list of community research and activities that we would like to include in the HLF bid. http://www.hafodmorfacopperworks.com/report-of-the-connected-communities-exchange-event/

A video of the event can also be viewed. http://www.hafodmorfacopperworks.com/short-film-about-connected-communities-festival/

The masterplan can be viewed here http://jhurleydesign.com/copperworks-wp/wp-content/uploads/236x297_Hafod_Vision_Document_V7_DIGITAL.pdf


Friends of Hafod-Morfa Copperworks Meeting, Monday 9th November at 6pm at the Landore Social Club

We will be discussing the HLF bid and the questions above.

Tidy-Up Session

A group of the Hafod-Morfa Friends will be meeting at 4:00 p.m. on Monday 2 November for an autumn tidy-up and litter pick of the site – we’d welcome additional Friends and supporters to join us. Supported by Keep Wiles Tidy.

Being Human Festival

Swansea University is delighted to be hosting a festival hub as part of Being Human 2015 http://beinghumanfestival.org/

Two events are based at Hafod-Morfa Copperworks;

Art at the Hafod- The Spirit of Place on Monday 16 November 11.00am-16.00pm offers a chance to respond to this site of rich heritage through observational drawings and painting with guidance from inspirational artist, Dan Llewelyn Hall – http://www.danllywelynhall.co.uk/home.htm

FREE admission. Book now:  http://beinghumanfestival.org/event/art-the-hafod-the-spirit-of-place/  or enquiries to e.canning@swansea.ac.uk

The Young Heritage Apprentice Thursday 12 November, 12:00 pm – 2:30 pm

‘The young heritage apprentice’, aimed at 14–18-years-olds, challenges school teams to develop a project associated with Cu @ Swansea, an ambitious heritage-led regeneration initiative focusing on the 12.5 acre site of the former Hafod-Morfa copperworks in the Lower Swansea Valley. It is led by Huw Bowen, professor of public history at Swansea University, in association with the City and County of Swansea. After visiting the site of the copperworks on 12 November, selected teams will present their ideas to a panel of judges on 19 November at the National Waterfront Museum. The day will culminate in an awards ceremony.

Free Admission | Application process applies by contacting k.spiller@swansea.ac.uk

Please contact me for more information about any of the above.

Best wishes,

Stuart Griffin
Hafod Copperworks Development Project
College of Arts and Humanities
Swansea University
Singleton Park

01792 602617

Follow the Cu @ Swansea copper project at www.hafodmorfacopperworks.com

Find us on Facebook; https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Hafod-Morfa-Copperworks/381169952010109

See photos of the project on Flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/97373278@N07/sets/

Working Days Monday 9-5, Wednesday 9-5, Friday 9-12.30.