College of Science, Swansea University
Distinguished Lectures in Computer Science
DVLA Technology – Past, Present & Future
in the context of wider Government “Digital Transformation”
Mark Evans
Chief Architect, Technology and Innovation, DVLA
4:00pm, Thursday 16th October 2014
Robert Recorde Room, Faraday Building (Level 2)
Organised in collaboration with Software Alliance Wales
The DVLA, based in Swansea, is regarded as a trusted organisation with a strong brand and levels of customer satisfaction are very high. It introduced electronic vehicle licensing and Driver Licensing Online 10 years ago. The EVL (Electronic Vehicle Licensing) service is held up as a model among government digital services for its simplicity.
Information Technology is absolutely critical to the day to day operation of the DVLA. The current ICT estate has grown organically over the last few decades and has become massively complex and is a blocker to innovation.
The expectation of the UK Government’s “Digital by default” agenda has lead to the DVLA taking a fundamentally different approach to the design of its ICT and the way in which it delivers its ICT services.
Central to this is the development of “Digital capability” within the DVLA and local supply base.
The talk will cover:
- The history and evolution of the DVLA ICT estate
- Where we are today?
- What we mean by “Digital”
- How we are having to adapt to become “Digital by Default”
- Technology architecture
- Capability and ways of working
- The commercial landscape
- Fostering “Digital Talent” in South Wales
Speaker’s Biography:
Mark Evans is the Chief Architect at the DVLA where has worked for the last few years on transforming the IT estate to meet the demands of the digital agenda.
Prior to this he has held a number of senior technology management roles across a number of different sectors and organisations.
This continues a series of Distinguished Lectures in Computer Science at Swansea University. The event is free and open to all (registration is not required). The lecture will be followed by a reception.
For further information, contact Professor Peter Mosses, coordinator of the Swansea University Distinguished Lectures in Computer Science ( Details of all the lectures in this series are available online at