Tag Archives: RISW

Swansea Museum under threat …

Swansea Museum, the oldest museum in Wales, is under threat from two directions.

Swansea Council, which owns and operates the Museum, announced in November 2015 that, in response to a financial cut of 50% over the next three years in its funding of cultural services – a reduction far in excess of cuts in other services – it intends to explore other options for the future management of the Museum and other cultural facilities.  Options include ‘not-for-profit and community-based companies and organisations’.  This follows a review conducted for the Council, which has not been made public.  The lack of public debate on the Museum’s future is concerning, especially since there appears to be a strong and unchallenged push by the Council towards Trust status for the Museum.  A recent report for Arts Council England makes it clear that the offloading of museum services to trusts is not likely to succeed if its primary motivation is to save money.

Secondly, the Museums Association reported on 8 December 2015 rumours that Swansea Council intends to close, temporarily or permanently,  the Tramshed, the pontoon (with its three heritage boats) and, most serious of all, the Collections Centre in Landore, which houses 90% of the Museum’s historic collections.

Swansea Council has now published a consultation questionnaire on its latest budget (the closing date for responses is 24 January 2016).  The two questions about Swansea Museum reveal that the Council proposes to close the Tramshed and remove the collections from the Collections Centre and ‘transfer’ them somewhere else (unspecified).

The closure of the Collections Centre, especially if followed by the dispersal or disposal of its contents, would deprive Swansea citizens of their own history and undo nearly two centuries of patient collection.

The Royal Institution of South Wales, as the Friends of Swansea Museum, is very concerned about these developments.  It calls for a full public debate on decisions that would have very serious implications for the city and its residents.



History Day and Minerva Launch, 26th September, Swansea Museum …

History Day and Minerva Launch, 26th September, 10:00am – 4:30pm, Swansea Museum.

Jointly organised by the Royal Institution of South Wales and the Swansea Branch of the Historical Association.

Volume 23 of the Swansea History Journal/Minerva will be launched at 10.00, followed by five talks and a lunchtime discussion led by Peter Stead. The HA’s John Ashley (White Rock) and Colin James (Swansea Castle) will give two of the talks.

You can attend the whole day or whichever part appeals to you, but please note that if at any time the room reaches capacity, it’s first come, first served – and be warned, it was popular last year!

Free entry and bara brith!

COME – just to get your Swansea History Journal/ Minerva – available all day
OR stay for a talk or two
THEN MAYBEhave some food & contribute to the midday debate
AND THEN YOU MAY AS WELL – hear the rest of the talks as well!



RISW History Day, 26 September …

John Ashley will give a talk on White Rock at the History Day to be held on Saturday 26 September in Swansea Museum. The event is held in conjunction with the Historical Association’s Swansea Branch. Details of a very full day, including the launch of the latest Minerva, at the RISW web site.