Please note this lecture is approaching fast: 7.00 for 7.30pm on Tuesday 27 October 2015 in the 1st Floor former Chapel at the Club’s premises at 300 Carmarthen Road. Access to our premises is at the rear of the building as usual and plenty of off-road car parking is available. The Lecture will be given by John Ashley with support from Rob Hulme and Tudor Price and will talk about the history of The White Rock Copper Works, a key component of Swansea’s industrial past. If you wish to know more please visit the Friends of White Rock website detailed above. Our railway club will serve tea, coffee and biscuits during the course of the evening.
This is expected to be a popular lecture given by those who really know their subject and you are strongly recommended to attend. If you are not a Club member please let me know so that adequate seating and refreshments can be made available. There will be no charge but you may leave a donation if you wish although this is not obligatory.
Noel Blows
Swansea Railway Modellers Group