The Cymru’n Cofio Wales Remembers 1914-1918 website has now gone live. We would appreciate your help in raising awareness of the site by providing a link from your organisation’s website to the Cymru’n Cofio site.
Cymru’n Cofio Wales Remembers 1914-1918 ( is the official site for information on how Wales will mark the centenary of the First World War in Wales.
It provides a focal point for information on the latest news, projects, events and signposting services for the programme of commemoration which will take place in Wales from 2014 to 2018.
Cymru’n Cofio Wales Remembers 1914-1918 ( yw’r wefan swyddogol ar gyfer cael gwybodaeth am goffáu canmlwyddiant y Rhyfel Byd Cyntaf yng Nghymru.
Mae’n lle i gael gwybodaeth am newyddion, prosiectau, digwyddiadau a gwasanaethau cyfeirio at y rhaglen i goffáu yng Nghymru a gynhelir rhwng 2014 a 2018.
Beryl Evans
FFHS Archives Liaison Officer